Community Resources

Village Clerk

Vanessa Belmonte

The Village Clerk is the official keeper of the records for the Village of Forest Park and maintains a complete and accurate record of Council proceedings; processes follow-up documentation for action taken at those meetings; and certifies copies of official Village records. As the custodian for the official records, the Village Clerk ensures that the ordinances, resolutions and minutes are processed and maintained in accordance with state law; ensures the municipal code is codified; publishes legal notices regarding bids, receives sealed bids and coordinates official bid openings; maintains contracts, deeds, claims and bonds as described in state law; conducts municipal elections, receives Petitions relating to Initiatives, Referendum or recalls in accordance with state elections law; is the filing officer for the Statement of Economic Interest; maintains custody of the Village Seal; files Oaths of Office; posts and publishes written notification of Public Hearings; processes business license applications; processes Freedom of Information requests in accordance with the law; conducts annual destruction of records; provides assistance to the Village Council, Staff, and other governmental agencies, attorneys, and the general public.

Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


License/Permit Applications found here

Illinois Online Voter Registration Application Website
Cook County Clerk’s Office Illinois Voter Registration Application

Note: People may also register to vote at Forest Park Village Hall.  Two forms of identification are required; one of which must display your current address.  For more information, please contact the Clerk’s Office at 708-366-2323 Press 2.