Community Resources

Local Government

The Village is incorporated under the Commission Form of government with the Mayor and Commissioners elected every four years. Forest Park has five Commissioners, four of which are elected at large. The fifth commissioner is the Mayor who has the dual role of both Mayor and Commissioner. Each elected official is responsible for one or more specific departments within the Village, with the Mayor having general supervison overall. Each elected official also oversees or presides over one or more of the various Boards, Commissions and Committees that are constituted by law or by the needs of the Village.

Local ordinances establishing the duties of the Mayor and Commissions can be viewed from the homepage under village codes/administration.

View Organizational Chart


For Village related financial documents click here

Total Compensation Reports can be found here.

Council Minutes and Agendas

To view council meeting minutes and agendas please select a link below.

Council Meeting Minutes
Council Meeting Agendas