Community Resources

Census Committee

Village Hall contact, Rachell Entler ( if you need assistance.

The Village of Forest Park and engaged residents have formed a Complete Count Committee (CCC) to help our Village get an accurate census count on April 1, 2020. The results of the 2020 census have many far-reaching effects for our community. Federal and state dollars as well as programs that would help Forest Park grow and thrive look to Census Bureau data. The census information determines the selection of funds and awards, as well as money to ensure programs that are in place function as designed. Forest Park had a 74% participation in the 2010 census. It has been reported that our Village lost approximately $7.5 million dollars a year due to 26% of our residents not participating in the last census. $7.5 million dollars a year over 10 years could have significantly benefited Forest Park. Our Village needs a robust response to the upcoming census to receive the monetary benefits that we deserve and are entitled to. Our residents must participate in the upcoming census to achieve that goal.  Please consider joining our CCC to help us reach out and raise awareness. The CCC does not go door to door for census responses but assists the Census Bureau’s outreach by informing residents of the census prior to census day and encouraging them to participate.


Allen Serrano-Chair

Anna Felicity Friedman 

Cecilia Piña Boyd

Chelsea Guillen 

Jessica Espinoza 

Kris McCoy 

Mary Ellen Creighton

Marjorie Adam 

Michelle Fitzhenry 

Ned Wagner

Roberto Escalante

Solskin Gomez-Krogh

Susan Farnum

Skye Lavin 

Wil Bogue